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secondary school's life ------________--------
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

it was kind of ok,i guess.It was weird when i knew no one in my school.In the next few days,i managed to make a few friends.A few only............Sad,isn't it?School was ok,the teachers was also ok,although some were more humourous than the others.The homework load was ok,lessons were quite fun.I managed to find a cca i liked which i think that i'm gonna enter,wushu.I really want to make new friends.I hope that i would be able to make more new friends,the school canteen's food was quite good,and it is quite cheap also,the portions of the food given was ok.
seconday school-a place i want to be cheerful at
secondary-school-a place i want to spend my best moments at
secondary school-it rocks


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