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Narrative and Graphics-My Connection
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Actually,a graphic novel such as Zoom and a narrative novel have similiar traits.I will be discussing the definitions of these two novels before exploring their similarties.

DEFINITION of graphic novel
:suggests a story that has a beginning, middle and end, as opposed to an ongoing series with continuing characters
:can be classified as a picture book,use sequential pictures, sometime with or without written text, to tell a story.
DEFINITION of narrative novels or story
:created in a constructive format (written, spoken, poetry, prose, images, song, theater or dance) that describes a sequence of fictional or non-fictional events.
:A book or account of events, experiences
Both narrative stories and graphics novels can tell the story to the reader.Both can lead the readers to have their own thoughts and reviews of the story.Also,both can cause the reader to form ideas of their own.Also,both have convey the thoughts of the writer to the reader and both have mutiple levels of thinking.
However,their are notable differences such as a graphic novels having no words at all which causes people to intepret the pictures.
However,i read both graphic novels and narrative novels
TOP 3 Learning preferences

Comic Books

I am a big fan of marvel comics.Recently,i have started reading up on dc comics.My aunty gave me my first marvel comic books which caused me to be hooked up on it.Even up to seconday one,i am still collecting comic books whenever i can.Howver,i liked the artwork of classic comic books issues rather than the modern comic books issues.

In my collection,i have over 50 trade paperbacs of marvel and dc comics.Not a lot,i guess but my collection is still increasing.

My favourite comics books characters are spiderman,thanos,darkseid,carnage,venom,flash and many others.
For more information on comic books characters :please visit

Percy Jackson

Today,i rented a book called percy jackson"The Lightning Thief".Even though i only read half of it,i feel that it is very interesting and i cannot even seem to takes my hands off it.It is about a boy called Percy Jackson who was a troublemaker and was expelled from school for six times in six years.However,in the camp for half-bloods where demi-gods go too for training,he finds out that he is the son of poseidon and greek gods exist.

Also,zues believe that he has stolen the master-bolt which percy has to retrieve or a war between the two gods zues and poseidon will occur.On his journey,he encounters foes such as medusa and the furies.

However,i have not read finish the book and will be editing this post.For more information,please visit this blog regularly for more updates.

(P.S I am reading this book as I am typing out this book)
The website of the book:

Why did i do it?

School SUCKS!It is so boring here.There are no track team for me to join here.Furthermore,the teacher wants me to lead the class in singing the National Anthem,The Star-Spangled Banner but i don't even know the lyrics of the song.I miss my friends in my old school,Allison Doresett,Ken Barchet.Nowadays,i don't even have a friend in Wahington Academy,the environent is so new and weird.I feel so depressed and sad,i feel like my life is runined now.Washington Academy's fees is taking up all of my college money.Now as i think back,i cannot help but wonder why did i do it?

I realised that i decieved everybody,almost the country with a bunch of lies.After being transferred into Miss Narwin's homeroom, I schemed to provoke her to assign me to a different homeroom. While the National Anthem was playing,I deliberately hummed the lyrics despite of being told to be silent, with my excuse for doing so being that I was allowed to do this in Mr. Lunser Bunsen's class, my previous homeroom. After being repeatedly told to stop and being refused by me, she sent me to the assistant principal's office twice, and I was suspended for being disrespectful for two days.However, I insisted that I was standing up for my patriotic rights and, through my spinning of the tale, I managed to convinced my father that i was standing up for my patrioism.Also,i repeatedly provoked her and joked with her in class and i hated her as she did not let me passed my test to join the track team.

I even told a reporter my story which caused the country to know of my tale.

I did it as i wanted to change homeroom .Yet,now,i changed school.Was that worth it?I asked myself sometimes

My Reading Habits
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My reading preferences is varied.I still remember the two books which i read in P3 and led me to become addicted to reading up to this date.It is the series called Artemis Fowl.The exciting plot and fast paced action totally enthralled me even up to this day.For the next few years,i read the entire series of the artemis fowl books and other books by Eoin Colfer such as The Supernaturalist and Half-Moon Investigations.

Also,in P2,i read the series harry potter which was a magical tale and captivated me.It was quite funny and the plot was good.Nowadays,i have read the entire harry potter series and am quite sad that the series harry potter will not have any new books.
I have also read the series twilight which is filled with humour.It will captivate anyone reading it unless you are immature, a baby or a child from p1 to p4.
My reading today is more eclectic than ever.I have read all types of genres such as mystery,fantasy,horror and others.I read anything which grabs my attention.

My motto:If you find a book boring,try a few years later and maybe,you will find it to be interesting.Who knows,you may like it after you become more mature.

Want to see a few of the books I've read? Check out my electronic bookshelf at weread.com site.


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