Tick tock on the clock, the party don't stop now.
Hi, thereee. You just landed on Wei's blog.
Mind to tag before leaving, pretty please? :D
And you are not suppose to redistribute anything without permission.
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Thank you for your time. Enjoy.
Alissa Brenda Cassandra Delphine Evelyn Fiona Germaine Halley Isabella Jackie Katherine Laura
Fencing YOG
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hi, everybody. It has been a long time since I last posted as I have been busy. Recently, I have been volunteering in the Youth Olympic Games. It has been an most enriching experience and has really fruitful and enjoying. YOG has allowed me to view world-class fencers and their matches with each other.
On to my duties in the YOG, I volunteered as a video assistant. My duty is to record down matches so that matches can be replayed for the referees and players to verify if the referees' decision is correct. Rather than what most people perhaps perceives as a tiring job or " sai-gung", this duty is fun and allows me to watch how fencers fence such as their techniques or their timing. Sadly, I cannot perceive most actions due to my low ability.
I will be updating this post as soon as possible. Thanks, everyone.


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